PromZ Media Kit 2020

PRODUCTZFINDER SUBSCRIPTION The ProductZfinder subscription lets you do a whole lot in one go. First of all, you create an additional sales channel via our online product guide and the end-customers will be able to find your company in the autumn edition of PromZ Magazine and online. It also guarantees delivery of the leading national and international professional journals. PROMZ z PRODUCTZFINDER IN MAGAZINE MAGAZINE AND PROMZ.NL YOUR PRODUCT TEXT COMPLETELY SEO Let us write your product texts in such a way that your products are extra easy to find in the ProductZfinder and via search engines like Google. We only charge € 10 per product for writing and maintaining SEO texts! * NEW: PROMZ VOORDEEL (BENEFIT) New this year is PromZ Voordeel. As part of every ProductZfinder subscription you will receive this service for a year as a gift. • Free subscriptions to PromZ Vak, PromZ Magazine, PromZ.BE, EPPI, WA Nachrichten + Newsletters • Free entrance to PSI Düsseldorf + free drink at the PromZ Bar • Profitable shipping rates • Discounts on flights to various international premium fairs with KLM • Tips and advice to score better online